One of our outstanding national heroes who served his whole life for the improvement and freedom of his nation was Dr.G.S.S.J.Ratulangi. Dr.G.S.S.J.Ratulangi was the son of Tondano who was born and lived to experience good education then held responsibility to struggle for the nation. Dr.G.S.S.J.Ratulangi was really worth for the duty because not only in Batavia and Europe. Dr.G.S.S.J.Ratulangi also got a diploma of Science and Mathematics from Switzerland.
Dr.G.S.S.J.Ratulangi started his career in Yogyakarta as a school teacher.Afetr that Dr.G.S.S.J.Ratulangi turned yo business. Dr.G.S.S.J.Ratulangi was not satisfied with it because the political, situation of his country seemed to urge him to do something. Dr.G.S.S.J.Ratulangi then came back to his hometown where he was given a position the Secretary of Minahasa Council.It happened in 1924.In this position he proposed some improvement for the people to the Dutch Government.
His Idealism and obsession over the goodness of the nation put himself forward to join other Nationalist.When Dr.G.S.S.J.Ratulangi became the member of Volkskraad in 1927 Dr.G.S.S.J.Ratulangi was the most active member.Together with M.H.Thamrin, Sutarjo and the others Dr.G.S.S.J.Ratulangi was involved in writing a petition which was famous as “ Sutarjo Petition “. The Petition proposed that Indonesia could have its own government even it was still under the Dutch control.Unfortunately the Petition was rejected.
When the Second World War broke they tried to propose again but it was refuse.As the result of Sam Ratulangi, Thamrin, and Dr.Setiabudi or Deuwes Dekker, the Dutch gentleman who had great heart on the struggle of the Indonesians,were arrested.
salam friend
BalasHapusI know Dr.G.S.S J. Ratulangi, coz read your article.
selamat Hari Pahlawan
Sudah lama sekali rasanya tida baca postingan dari blog ini ya....
BalasHapusSelamat Hari Pahlawan...
ratulangi ya seorang pahlawan cocok dengan hari pahlawan hari ini
BalasHapusSelamat hari pahlawan mas,kenanglah selalu jasa2 para pahlawan yg tlah gigih berjuang demi kemerdekaan R.I
BalasHapusmet siang kawan
BalasHapusSelamat Hari Pahlawan.... MERDEKA!
sekalian izin tuker link
linknya dah dipasang bisa di cek di TKP
terima kasih sebelumnya
thanks for sharingnya ya....
BalasHapussecara ga ngerti banget, minta tolong si mbah buat translate. :)
met ultah bro
BalasHapusdengan memperingati hari bersejarah kita kembali membuka lembar² sejarah kepahlawanan...
Selamat hari pahlawan.
BalasHapusSalam ~~~ "Rjawantah's Blog"
Makasih infonya, lama tak pernah baca sejarah
met pagi n met beraktifitas
BalasHapussalam sejahtera....makasih sobat infonya sangat berguna buat saya. saya suka sama artikel yang sobat tulis, sangat menarik. salam kenal yach..semoga blog sobat tambah sukses.goodluck..
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